02628987200 - Bitte vereinbaren Sie einen Termin / Please make an appointment first.


Holistic healing methods alleviate symptoms and pain. Performance and immune system are supported.

Services covered by medical insurance

General medical care, consultation and treatment of our patients in the practice and during home visits.

Health counselling

Information on diagnoses and advice on preventive care. When it comes to health, nutrition, exercise and sleep are central factors against stress and deficiency symptoms.

Business hours: Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa : 8.00 – 12.00  / Di, Do : 16.30 – 18.30

Please make an appointment by phone first.

Always well attended!!

As a family practice in Rhens, we are your central contact for comprehensive treatment and support of acute, chronic and psychosomatic complaints in all phases of your life. Trustful and individual – in the doctors office and during our home visits.

Service overview:


Ozone Therapy

Baunscheidt Therapy

Colon Therapy
Symbiosis control

Neural Therapy

Glass massage


Vitalization Therapy
Supplement syringe Therapie

basic psychotherapy

Services covered by medical insurance

ECG monitoring

Fitness CheckUp
Skin cancer screening

DMP KHK / DMP Diabetes Typ II /
DMP depressive diseases

Cancer Prevention

Youths health check-up
Youth protection health screening
Paediatric check-ups

Laboratory tests

Vaccinations according to STIKO

Health counselling

Medical travel advice
Vaccination advice

Medical diving suitability verification
Drivers licence examinations

Nutritional counselling
Dietary advice

Experts with heart and mind in matter. Always.

We provide general and emergency medicine for you and the whole family.

We appreciate your visit to our website and invite you to learn more about our family practice and our work for patient care.

We offer you a wide range of services of modern medical treatment

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us during our office hours at 02628 987200.

Hausarztpraxis Dr. med. Neurohr

Looking forward to welcoming you to our practice.

Dr. med. Ludwig Neurohr

Specialist in General Practice • Graduate psychologist • Diving medicine – GTÜM

E. Schwarz

Quality management and training

E. Jakobs

Medical office manager



+49 (0) 2628 / 987 200


+49 (0) 2628 / 987 201




Mainzer Str. 67
56321 Rhens, Germany

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